Electric Baseboard Heaters

A baseboard heater will reside on your floor or near your feet. The main concept of a baseboard heater is to heat the area from the bottom. As such, baseboard heaters do a very good job of keeping your feet warm. Other heaters like space heaters, whether they are electric or propane, won’t do as nice a job because of the way they operate. Other heaters typically just have fans inside that distribute the warm air around. Because of the way a baseboard heater pushes the warm air up from the ground from a ground level, it’s more likely it will do a better job of keeping those feet warm in cold temperatures!

Energy Efficient Baseboard Heaters

Finding a baseboard heater that will efficiently heat your home is important to many people. Likely you are looking to place more then one of these baseboard heaters in the home. Or, you might just want to place one. Either way, finding energy efficient heaters means that you save money on your energy bill, so that’s important too. Saving money these days is always important. The baseboard heaters we have below from different manufacturers like Honeywell, Cadet, Lasko & Holmes. These are energy efficient baseboard heaters that will work to both heat your home and keep your energy costs down as well.

Designer Electric Heater Brands & Manufacturers

The most utilized and purchased brands of electric heaters are featured here. If there is a certain heater you are looking for and unable to find on our website, please let us know by filling the contact us page. We are always adding new heaters to the website, but appreciate your help in locating the ones our site visitors are looking for on a day to day basis.

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