Crompton Greaves Ceiling Fans

The blades on Crompton Greaves ceiling fans can measure 19 and a half inches and more. You can mount two controls for a Crompton Greave fan – one to control the light, and one to control the fan. This is assuming that the fan has a light kit – you can purchase a Crompton Greaves fan here that comes with a light kit if you are interested. On a high speed, a CG fan moves a lot of air. Crompton Greaves fans sometimes will have four different fixed speeds. The fan is capable of moving quite fast on the highest setting.

Some homeowners who have large homes (especially those that are in warmer climates) prefer to have more then one Crompton Greaves Ceiling Fan in the home. Many owners of these fans will have multiple fans in the home. It’s not uncommon to see someone having 3, 4 or even 5 Crompton Greaves Ceiling Fans hooked up and moving air around in their home. Crompton Greaves’ model line High Breeze Ceiling Fans are the best at moving large volumes of air around in the home.

Here’s a good example of a Crompton ceiling fan. Since the companies split though, you’ll find this isn’t called a “Crompton Greaves” fan – now it’s just “Crompton.” Whatever, just branding, right? Crompton’s fan lineup are super popular in India. We can’t sell them here outside of India as there are no channels available for us to sell them in North America.

What is the difference between Crompton and Crompton Greaves Ceiling Fans?

This is a great question and one that we do get asked from time to time. The answer is that Crompton Greaves was divided into two companies in approximately March of 2016. The two companies are called:

  • Cromptons
  • CG Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

One company focuses now on the electrical industry, including other equipment such as equipment used in power transmission.

Crompton Greaves is predominantly based out of India. In Tamil Nadu, the company was the predominant fan manufacturer in 2021. Analysts predicted at that time, that the company would continue to grow in sales from 10 to 15 percent annually. Essentially, Crompton Greaves is a staple name in India.


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